SAT private tutoring in Madrid (Spain)
Every student is different when it comes to preparation for standardized tests such as the Scholastic Assessment Test, or SAT. This can significantly impact a prospective college student's test results, particularly if they don't know their own strengths and weaknesses and even further do not use that information to develop an effective test preparation techniques to ensure their best results on the SAT. Designed to both assess basic reading, writing, and math skills as well as overall academic aptitude necessary for success at the college level, successful and adequate preparation for the SAT often requires professional guidance and input. At Manhattan Review, we offer specially trained instructors who are guaranteed to help you reach your SAT testing goals in Madrid by giving you the necessary foundation to do so.
Since 1999, Manhattan Review has been the industry leader in SAT test prep consultant services, providing college applicants, like you, with the foundation needed to achieve both SAT testing goals and academic goals thereafter. Specifically, our a la carte SAT test prep program gives prospective college students the control to custom design their own learning plan. Our participants can choose to engage in an unique mix of our interactive online courses or work one-on-one with one of our world-class instructors, some of the top professionals in their respective fields, further enhancing the credibility of both our SAT test prep service and the benefits to our students. Moreover, each participant is given access to our catalog of supplemental online materials including our SAT practice tests, which have proven to aid our SAT test prep students in achieving their testing goals.
In Madrid, Manhattan Review is considered the best place to extract local talent, according to the local academic and business communities. As a result, the top colleges and universities including National Distance Education University, Complutense University of Madrid, Technical University of Madrid, Autonomous University of Madrid, Charles III University of Madrid, Comillas Pontifical University, European University of Madrid, Pontifical University of Salamanca-Madrid, Saint Louis University, San Pablo CEU University, Queen Sofia College of Music, Madrid Royal Conservatory, IE Business School, and EAE Business School have come to rely on Manhattan Review when looking for academically inclined prospects for their top programs among the applicant pool. In addition, the top businesses in Madrid from Telefonica to Madrid-Barajas Airport also have a longstanding endorsement of both Manhattan Review and our SAT test prep students as evidenced by their continued choosing of our SAT test prep students over other applicants for open positions. With an affiliation with Manhattan Review, success in Madrid is guaranteed, both academically and professionally. Choose your future. Choose Manhattan Review.
SAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Barcelona, Spain
Hours package
Hours package
SAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online
Barcelona, Spain
He was able to break down difficult material. I was able to destruct and master the basic things I would need to get a good score on the SAT.
- Sade Catlyn (This student took our SAT preparation course)
Phone: +34-932-201-721
Primary Course Venue:
Hotel 1898
La Rambla, 109
08002 Barcelona
NOTE: We do NOT typically have staff at the venue, so email us before visiting the venue.
Meet a Madrid SAT Tutor: Seth D.
Like so many professionals that have worked hard to achieve expertise in their field, Seth started out by pursuing academic excellence, working hard to attend the best schools and programs in communications. As a result, Seth has much to offer up and coming professionals as a successful media executive, through the sharing of his own personal trials and tribulations to achieve his own academic and professional goals. Because of this, over the years numerous contacts have long suggested that Seth become an instructor. However, it wasn't until he relocated to Madrid with his wife, who needed to care for a family member, that Seth realized an opportunity to work with students at Manhattan Review.
Since joining our team of elite private tutors at Manhattan Review three years ago, Seth has been instrumental in helping us to deliver best-in-class SAT test prep consultant services to prospective college students. Our students love having the opportunity to work with someone who is so accomplished and yet struggled to academically when he was starting out. Seth is a shining example that academic adversity, particularly with respect to standardized test-taking, can be overcome. Seth is also a very patient listener, which also helps him to be an effective instructor. For those reasons and so many more, we are proud to have Seth on our team of private tutors at Manhattan Review.